Grand Canyon
In the North of the American state Arizona you can find an extremely wide and deep gap which is called the Grand Canyon. This landscape has come to existence by the force of water in a time period of millions of years. The extreme form of erosion was possible, since the area in which the canyon is located started rising further and further. The Grand Canyon is about 435 kilometres long and its width varies between 15 and 29 kilometres.
According to professionals the exposed stone you see now is about 2 million years old. How old the Grand Canyon is exactly is hard to say. Multiple researches that have been done ended up with different results as to how old the canyon is. This matter is still up to debate up to this day.
The sun rise and sun set are apparently indescribable. To capture everything in pictures and to see all the beauty here, you will need more than one day. To make the best pictures we would advise you to take pictures during the sun rise and sun set. At this time of day, the lighting is fairly soft in comparison to later on the day. Another tip we would like to give you is to wear sturdy shoes when hiking around the Grand Canyon. In case you have any questions when you get there, you can always visit the Visitor Center or address a park ranger.
Another way to appreciate the beauty of the Grand Canyon is by taking a helicopter ride. The helicopter is allowed to fly over the Grand Canyon very lowly, which will give you a great view of everything.