02 August 2017

Partially enter travel ban

Trump has finally succeeded. The entry ban that he had been fighting for some time, has been introduced partially.

Partially enter travel ban

In the end, the US Supreme Court decided that the ban on travel would be partially introduced.


In October this year, the Court will look at the entire travel ban of Donald Trump, which applies to six Islamic countries. However, Trump has been granted permission to make several parts of the ban effective. The Supreme Court does not allow the government to have its way. Certain restrictions are imposed. The measures should only apply to ‘foreign citizens who do not have a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States’.

Trump has won this, after all the rejections of the past months; he may now partially start the travel ban. Trump thinks this decision is a ‘profit for national security’.


The US government has stated that the introduction of the entry ban must be ‘professional’. The passengers concerned will be informed as soon as possible about the ban. In the meantime, diplomatic posts abroad have already been informed of what criteria travellers from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen to America have to meet in order to visit America. The ministry indicates that family means parents, life partners, children, adult (step) sons or daughters, son-in-law or daughters and (step) brothers or sisters. And among non-relatives are the grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, brother-in-law and sister-in-law, fiancé(e)s or other extended family members.

Travellers from one of these Islamic countries may also visit America when they have formal ties with a company or institution in America, for instance students, journalists, conference speakers and employees who hold a valid invitation or contract. However, not when a contract has been entered ‘to avoid the rules’. ‘When a hotel reservation or car rental agreement is paid in advance for instance, this does not count.’