08 September 2017

Travel ban of Trump - Restricted by the Federal Court

Read the latest news about Trump's entry ban, which has been partially and temporarily introduced.
Travel ban of Trump again Restricted by the Federal Court.
The entry ban of Trump has already been partially cancelled. Now the federal Court comes with a new adaptation of the ban. The Court has decided that there must be several exceptions to the ban on travellers from the six countries that are predominantly Islamic.


In June, it was decided to introduce the travel ban for travellers from Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Libya and Iran. With some adjustments, here and there: they decided to make an exception for those who have brothers, sisters, parents or children in America.

New adjustment

According to the Court, this was not enough. An exception is now also made for people whose grandparents, grandmothers, uncles, aunts and cousins live in America. Of course, Trump is not happy with that. Meanwhile, the White House has been in the process of introducing Trump's travel ban, after numerous talks with Courts and states. This was one of the first measures Trump saw when he became president.

In violation of the Constitution

Soon, Trump received a lot of criticism of his new measure, as it would be against the Constitution. This has to do with the fact that the six countries have been deliberately selected. The constitution states that it is forbidden to ban people from entering the country on the basis of their faith. According to critics, the White House was also unable to substantiate this selection to countries well.

Temporary entry ban

The temporary entry ban still applies to the above six countries. In the beginning, the lower Courts absolutely did not cooperate with this ban. The US Supreme Court has, despite their objections, introduced the ban on entry into a number of key points.

Bona fide relationship

The Court had already mentioned that the travel ban should only apply to ‘foreign citizens who do not have a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the US’. In October, the Court will decide if the travel ban from the six countries is legitimate. Unfortunately in the meantime, Trump can go on with his measure, even if it is temporary.